Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Eloquence as Legacy

My mother Victoria took prolific notes.  Her handwriting was an elegant cursive, quite different from my chicken scratch (that even I have difficulty deciphering sometimes).  She penned lovely postcards during her travels.  Clever greeting cards with her thoughtfully  composed messages  and a favorite quote or two enriched birthdays, anniversaries, and milestones of all sorts.  She […]

Oh, baby!

I’ve just had five poems published in the inaugural issue of The Turning Leaf Journal.  Here’s one of them. I wrote this the same day I went through a few old hat boxes in my daughter’s closet in an attempt to get rid of things.   What not to do when decluttering  Three bags stood […]


I’m so pleased to share two poems that were published today in Mutha Magazine. These two are part of  the full-length poetry book I’ve been working on for years.  I finally finished the manuscript  in January, and sent it out to a number of  publishers. Now it’s a waiting game!  You can read the magazine […]


Today I honor the universal quality of benevolent mothering.  Happy Mother’s Day to all the women who exemplify mama energy, whether they have their own children or not.  You….we…make the world go ’round!   Mother You wake in the middle of the night. This is not new. I move dreamlike to your bed, empty my […]

Quiet Dreamy Girl Noises

Silver Linings We are looping familiar ground, the houses predictable, almost dear.  Across the way, an imposing home and its four outbuildings spreads along what used to be seven individual yards. The main house seems to peer curiously at our own small one. An anomaly, this mansion, penned in by a tall black fence that […]

April is also…..

April has quite a load to carry! Not only is is Autism Awareness Month and National Poetry Month,  it’s also been deemed National Card and Letter Writing Month. Texts and emails are fine, but isn’t it wonderful to receive a handwritten card or letter in the mailbox? Perhaps you’re looking for a meaningful gift for […]

More Autism Awareness

For many folks on the autism spectrum, medical encounters are fraught with anxiety and fear. Sensory issues, limited ability to understand procedures and express themselves, the speed at which things are expected to proceed, traumatic memories of previous encounters—all can combine to create some serious daytime nightmares. Bink and I have decades of experiences across […]

These Monikered Months

A  month of daffodils is upon us.  Yay, spring!!  April has been branded both Autism Awareness Month and National Poetry Month.  Here you go, then, a post that covers both.  I’ve shared this poem before, but it feels annually relevant.  As D, a sister mom of a young woman with autism says, ” We are […]


I’m so pleased that my poem, “Farther”, which I share with you below, was just published in the Spring 2024 issue of Metonym Literary Journal. Metonym is a print journal, available for sale through their site at Poetry is art. While not everything written in all poems actually happened the way it reads, it’s […]

In the Pink

“Fruits on Pink” by Bink She begins. First, there is pink. Well…vivid electric magenta is more apt.  She pushes the frayed brush into the water jar, hitting the  bottom too hard. Taps out a neurodivergent rhythm on the canvas. Some would call it background. To her, I think, it is the main thing, the focus, […]