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My Yoga Story

My mother, Victoria, discovered Yoga waaay back in the sixties, first as a student, and later she taught as well. As a toddler, I accompanied her to classes sometimes, so my exposure began quite early! The practice has been part of my life for a long time, albeit in wildly varying degrees.

After my daughter was diagnosed with Autism in 1995 at the age of two and a half, I began regular home Yoga practice for grounding and stress relief. I also had a few great teachers along the way. My love for the wisdom of wholistic Yoga grew as the benefits became clear, and eventually, I felt called to share this ancient practice with others.

I did my first certification training in 2005 and began teaching gentle to moderate level Yoga in earnest. I also created Yogabilities™ adapted Yoga for individuals with special needs around the same time. You can read more about that here. My deepest desire has been to make Yoga accessible and applicable to all who are interested in cultivating balance, awareness, strength, flexibility, and peace.

In 2010, with a growing client base, I opened my own studio, Spectrum Yoga. I’d been doing additional trainings along the way, and I went on to complete my advanced teaching certification with a focus on Yoga as therapy that same year.

My studio was thriving, and I truly loved the students and teachers that had been drawn to the little community there. My energy was not bottomless, though, and my daughter’s care was and is my first priority. Too, my writer self and my artist self were calling to be heard and seen. So, after much consideration and angst, I decided to close the studio after six wonderful years.  Now, I happily teach a few select classes at other people’s studios.

When I teach, I blend my love of classical and Kripalu Yoga with Yin, Restorative, Meridian, Iyengar, Therapeutic and Kundalini techniques to deliver compassionate and accessible Yoga instruction. I believe in offering students a wholistic Yoga experience, so my classes typically include some Yoga philosophy, breathing practices, and meditation. My voice as a poet informs my teaching style as well, and I usually include a poem or two in each of my mainstream classes.

For me, teaching Yoga is an art and an honor. The practice is deep and wide and full of wisdom and beauty. I endeavor to teach from my heart and with humility, to be in service to those who find their way to my classes.