Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Dreamed some dreams

“A DREAM NOT INTERPRETED IS LIKE A LETTER NOT READ.” — The Talmud Last was a night of serial dreams, each building on the tangled mysteries of the one before. There was big sky, and journeying. There was an impossibly tiny stream and a dusty, broad road that earns the title of a trespass, as […]


Being present is easy when the blue sky moment is trimmed with green grass, when temperate breezes blow your hair back gently from your bright, clean face. You can hop off the worry train quickly in such minutes and hours. You can drop your baggage carelessly to the ground without so much as a glance […]

Your Repose

I’m pleased to share this poem, which made its debut yesterday, in the Songs of Eretz Poetry Journal. I’ve included my poet’s notes, which that particular editor requires, as well as his comments. I’m grateful to add another poem to my list of published  work. I’m also thankful for the support of my dear readers! […]

Barry of the Wind

Have you ever dreamed someone alive again, someone long dead, whose memory visits rarely? Have you seen the watery shine of his eyes, smelled the shampoo lingering in her hair? I’m talking about a dream SO real, you feel like you’ve stepped over the line between this reality and another, but your feet are firmly […]


Reset This morning came twice to meet my wan welcome. There was pre-alarm almost-dawn when my eyelids were leaden, fingers numb after some sleep asana, and there was no joy in me to power the muscles to coax the bones to shape themselves around some idea of upright. Half hour later my hand rose instinctively […]

The Poet Says….

Allow me to share a poem that debuted on the Songs of Eretz Poetry Review this morning. This is the third of my poems to be published there in the Last week. All three are eligible for the Readers Choice Award contest on the    Voting begins March 1!   The Poet Says This […]

7 AM, Redux

Dear Reader, I’m so pleased to share my first of three finalist poems from the Songs of Eretz poetry contest. Though I didn’t win first place this year, each finalist poem is eligible for the Reader’s Choice Award. Steve Wittenburg Gordon, the Editor of Songs of Eretz, published the poem and the following commentary on […]

Inner Child Remembers

Young Melinda Coppola

Before The Tax that adolescence imposes on body, mind, and spirit, probably in that order, there were hearty chunks of time that were some sort of unencumbered. Inner Child remembers discovering the fairies living well in tall flowers near the sandbox. How I loved to honor them, grabbing kid-sized chubby handfuls of sand and running […]

Pavement Dream

The cashier in the grocery store knows your secrets. So does the young man who bags your fruit, fish, shampoo, Together in one thin plastic bag Groaning towards the floor as you leave, hastily. If you deserved better you’d have spoken, you say to yourself. Two bags please, or even three Fish is a loner, […]