Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

The Meaning of Compassion

The Kuan Yin She keeps watch in the warm corner of my bedroom, her bearing almost more regal for the rivers of cracks and generous chips that mark her faded turquoise. Her right hand, the deliverer of action, folds into Gyan Mudra, the gesture of consciousness. Preparing to take her picture, I haul myself into […]

Little Things

It was, in my home, an ordinary weekend morning. I rose before him, he before her, the felines were fed. I made three different kinds of tea, two prepared with stevia and soymilk, one with honey. It was the latter that sparked it. She who has such challenges, she who’s made such gains, she whom […]

Mothering Outside the Lines

The Bus Stop Moms From my morning window I would watch as they huddled casually, tossed light conversation back and forth, an occasional eye towards their kids who played and laughed together, finding sticks, tracing shapes and letters in the dirt. After the big yellow bus swallowed their chattering children, the moms would often stay […]

Rocking the cosmic swirl

Rocking It comforts me to know the old couple across the street just celebrated fifty years in the same house. Fifty together years with the home they perhaps chose to be new in together, a threesome of sorts, their bodies joining brick and hardened earth settling and cracking and pressing together, adding more spackle and […]

Poetry, Autism, and Statistics, Oh My!

Hello! I’m happy to share that  my poem, Autismville, won the Songs of Eretz Readers Choice Award Contest, and another of my poems, 7 AM, came in second!  If you’d like to see the official announcement, you can click HERE   If you voted in the contest, thank you, thank you! This is an international contest, […]


Remembering my father 1. The night your own difficult breath awakened you, your lungs spent from trying, and you sensed your heart, that grieving well, slowing almost imperceptibly, and your legs and arms refused command or even suggestion to rise or sway or go into the spasms you’d become accustomed to, and your eyes opened […]

It’s a Good Thing

The View from Here Hello from my couch, where I’ve been planted for the majority of my waking hours for the past twenty five days. Who’s counting? I sure am. I’ve been following doctor’s orders post-surgery and elevating my right foot anytime I am sitting down. This is an improvement, since last week I was […]

Inner Child Remembers

Young Melinda Coppola

Before The Tax that adolescence imposes on body, mind, and spirit, probably in that order, there were hearty chunks of time that were some sort of unencumbered. Inner Child remembers discovering the fairies living well in tall flowers near the sandbox. How I loved to honor them, grabbing kid-sized chubby handfuls of sand and running […]


Today I celebrate my incarnation Fifty six trips around the sun, carrying a moniker that took decades to like, and I continue, residing more, or sometimes less, inside this soft tent of skin held up by strong bones that shape this form we keep agreeing to call me. So much to marvel at, a couple […]

7 AM ( more autism awareness)

7am I entered your room quietly, with loving stealth, stood inches from where you slept curled into the warmth of your sleep nest, pausing one round moment to take in the sight of you, just to hug you with my eyes before we began the ritual we’d perfected over twenty four years of mornings. There […]