Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Putting My Foot Down

Putting my Foot Down I’m no stranger to disability. I’ve been Bink’s mom for 25 years. I know lots of individuals with varied special needs, some of them my Yogabilities™ students. I count a few of these folks and their families among my dearest friends. That said, I’ve been experiencing a temporary kind of disability […]

It’s a Good Thing

The View from Here Hello from my couch, where I’ve been planted for the majority of my waking hours for the past twenty five days. Who’s counting? I sure am. I’ve been following doctor’s orders post-surgery and elevating my right foot anytime I am sitting down. This is an improvement, since last week I was […]

On Technology, Mobility, and Relinquishing Control

Techno Turbulence, with Mobility Hiatus Ahead The daylight came, an everyday miracle and I rose to it with pure intentions. My poet’s heart drummed insistent rhythm, and I sang along with equanimity. Thing one: A stack of forms to be filled and filed on behalf of a dear one. Make it yesterday, please, An email […]