Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out


Dear reader, is there something in the natural world that you are really drawn to? Birds, clouds, pine trees? Lightening storms? Is there something for which you have an unrelenting affection? For, me, it’s stones. Specifically, I’m drawn to stones that hail from the edges of the sea. I feel so very alive and content […]


Today I celebrate my incarnation Fifty six trips around the sun, carrying a moniker that took decades to like, and I continue, residing more, or sometimes less, inside this soft tent of skin held up by strong bones that shape this form we keep agreeing to call me. So much to marvel at, a couple […]

Self Portrait

” We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” Anais Nin AS SOUP: I am mostly hearty kitchen-sink vegetable bean. With each tasting I re-season myself; more salt, a dash of lemon juice or vinegar, a pinch of cumin, a snip of fresh mint. On occasion, I am decadence […]

Of Names and Noses

Of Names and Noses I gave my daughter a blog name first and foremost to respect her privacy. Oh, I’ve told her that I write about her sometimes, because she is so awesome and amazing and interesting and people need to hear about things like that. I’ve asked her permission as well, and she has, […]


A woman and her young daughter walked by me, heading opposite, on the narrow sidewalk outside the Y this morning. I’m sorry, Older She said in passing as women often do, and though my mouth was silent I wanted with all my heart to say Please don’t apologize for taking up space. If you want […]