Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Melinda Coppola

twenty four may | from the inside out

Natura Illustratio

Nature is a picture book of wisdom and example, an illustrated guide to how we could arrive, and live, and die. Take, for example, a leaf in spring. It draws from mother tree the energy it needs and not a drop more, grows to the edges of its vibrant green potential without once demanding bigger, […]

Rocking the cosmic swirl

Rocking It comforts me to know the old couple across the street just celebrated fifty years in the same house. Fifty together years with the home they perhaps chose to be new in together, a threesome of sorts, their bodies joining brick and hardened earth settling and cracking and pressing together, adding more spackle and […]

So many ways to say it. Be Here Now.

          Between Opening the red door to a new spring day. my feet greet crumbs of last year’s leaves, dotted with recent, light green pollen all swirled into the little cove, entry that guides me into and from this place, this home, and they rattle a brittle kind of music together, […]

Many Singularities

            Stephen Hawking, having passed away a full fifty one years post predicted demise, has left us trails, breadcrumbs. Not random, because nothing is haphazard as it seems. Rather they are beaded, strung together on some holographic ribbon run through holes patterned in multiverses of black velvet, and I’m already […]


Remembering my father 1. The night your own difficult breath awakened you, your lungs spent from trying, and you sensed your heart, that grieving well, slowing almost imperceptibly, and your legs and arms refused command or even suggestion to rise or sway or go into the spasms you’d become accustomed to, and your eyes opened […]

Barry of the Wind

Have you ever dreamed someone alive again, someone long dead, whose memory visits rarely? Have you seen the watery shine of his eyes, smelled the shampoo lingering in her hair? I’m talking about a dream SO real, you feel like you’ve stepped over the line between this reality and another, but your feet are firmly […]

It’s a Good Thing

The View from Here Hello from my couch, where I’ve been planted for the majority of my waking hours for the past twenty five days. Who’s counting? I sure am. I’ve been following doctor’s orders post-surgery and elevating my right foot anytime I am sitting down. This is an improvement, since last week I was […]

From the First of November, 2017

Because sometimes it takes a whole month to write it down. I type with hands that are redolent with garlic, onion, and freshly grated ginger. Today contains a chunk of time for cooking, with hearty stew for him, and Indian spinach rice, spicy, for her. I walk and sit and rest and work with a […]

Dear November

    Dear November, It is a month of tributes to poetry, 30 poems in 30 days in some circles. So, being a bit amiss, Miss Construed, I write a letter instead. You are special to me, 11th month, in your own glorious, necrotic, achingly beautiful way. I mean, each page in the book of […]