Nature is a picture book
of wisdom and example,
an illustrated guide
to how we could
arrive, and live,
and die.
Take, for example,
a leaf in spring.
It draws from mother tree
the energy it needs
and not a drop more,
grows to the edges
of its vibrant
green potential
without once demanding
bigger, more, better.
The leaf in summer, deep
green and selfless,
offering shade and sustenance
without complaint
to the winged
and the crawlies,
the scamperers and
the two leggeds.
Leaf in autumn
clings until
the time comes
to let go,
and then it drops
without struggle,
allows itself
to be ushered downward
in gravity’s tender care,
right on time,
content to rest under snow,
yield to dank invitation
to become fertile carpet
warming earth,
no misgivings,
no regrets.
–Melinda Coppola
Another Drawing Talks to Me